Rick and Morty Hit it Again…
Rick and Morty may have the roots of their origin in the show ‘Back to the Future.’ However, if you track the evolution of the show, it has clearly passed the ‘survival of the fittest’test in the entertainment industry and has established itself as a unique entity.Have a look at www.watchrickandmorty.net for more info on this. Co-created by the makers of the Community, Dan Harmon and animator Justin Roil and, who is also the voice behind the characters Rick and Morty, has now released the third season of the show after a gap of one and half years.
Despite the deep gaping cavity in the timeline of the show, the fans were eager to watch the crazy madcap episodes of Rick. Social media is agog with loyal fans sharing trivia and engaging different platforms with discussions of episodes, clips, parodies, best scenes, gifts of Rick and Morty. The 2D format has never deterred the fans from sticking to the show.
One of the interesting factors of the show is that,what might put off the audience in other genre of shows, in fact, is its strength. Humor, often dark and disgusting, seems perfectly natural and has people ROFL. The show is a careful and intriguing blend of every unreasonable sci-fi idea and relatable ordinary human ethos and pathos. The emotions and reactions are real and what you and I would feel, minus the science and interglactical commute and interactions.
Fans everywhere frequently quote the dialogues, which are often blatant propaganda of nihilism and irony. Sentiments are mocked, yet it leaves space to show that when it comes to family, you stick together. It is in its own way a sappy-soppy family drama with relationship issues, dark histories, and also respect for each other’s emotions. The only difference is that it is expressed somewhere in-between stammering conversations while trying to solve chaos in the alter universe and travelling to-and-fro through that gooey-puke-looking portal behind Rick’s garage.
With five more episodes to be aired for this new season, the show has indeed become the most anticipated among the audience all over the world.